I have been trying to do a new post for over a month now! Everytime I get on blogger and click "new post" it gives me a blank screen, it has been so frustrating. So I guess I will try to get as up to date as I can while it is working!
I have been trying to keep a running list of funny things the girls say so that we can remember when they are older, so here it is (from the last 4 or 5 months)
-"I'm a robot an-ny an-ny. I will eat your brains. BRAINS!" I guess she changed from a robot to a Zombie (:
-Gabrie really wanted to bare her testimony during sacrament but we told her she could only do it if she did it on her own. So when it was finally Fast Sunday she went up and bore the sweetest testimony about being afraid and praying for help and having a warm feeling inside.
-While at Olive Garden - Gabrie - Can I have one of those fancy glasses? - Waitress - Oh, you want one of the wine glasses? Sure. - Gabrie - Yeah, but not with wine in it. - Luke - Well, maybe a little wine, right? - Gabrie - NOOOO!
- "Did you know that I'm allergic to golden retriever puppies? Just kidding, I just get excited."
-Every morning Livvy comes out of her room, usually the first one awake, with her hair all over the place and very pleasantly says "Good Mowning".
-One morning Livvy opened the back door and yelled "DO -YOU- WANT- TO- PLAY- WITH- SOME- BUBBLES? " I asked "who are you talking to?", she said "da birdie".
- Luke: Livvy, did you bite your sister? Livvy: Yes... Luke: Why did you bite your sister? Livvy: Cause I was hungry!
-One of the phrases she uses is "Don't worry" but she can't say her /r/ so it is more like "wowwy" and she adds 'ed' to make verbs out of word, but one day she told me "Don't wowwy, I got nakeded by my myself."
- "Gabwie, look! Oh, nope, you misseded it... you misseded it."
-"That baby sure is stinky, alwight!"
- "Jejus wants me for a sun... beep!"
- "There's Tuesday after Sunday, there's Easter after Tuesday, there's Sixday after Sixday, there's Saturday after Tuesday!" (the days of the week song according to Livvy)
- Tomorrow is tadarrow and she thinks there is a day called "Someday".
-Livvy has had a hard time remembering the babies' names and which baby has which name. In the past few months she has referred to them as "the baby with more hair" "the baby with a little hair" and "the baby with the helmet".
-"That baby with a little hair is sitting in my car seat!"
- "Daddy! The baby with a lot of hair has a runny nose!"
-When Livvy is sad and crying and doesn't have a tissue close by she will use the hem of her skirt/dress or shirt (she rarely wears pants) to wipe her tears, it is very sweet to watch her gently dab her eyes. But she also does this when her nose runs or she uses the hem of my shirt! Not as cute.
-Once while at Grandma's she said to Granny (her 94 year old great grandmother) "Don't wowwy Gwanny, if you fall, I'll come pick you up!"
-While in the car, Livvy-"Mommy, your hair is beautiful." Me- "Oh thanks, your's is beautiful too!" Livvy- "Let me see a mirror, Oh, yeah, it is!"
- We still cringe when anyone calls Gabrie "Gabby", but Livvy has started calling her "Gab", which we're okay with.
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