Sunday, May 2, 2010

Little Livvy

I wanted to do a quick update on Livvy now that she is 3 and a half months old! She is getting so big and so fun. She smiles all the time and is starting to talk (babble) a lot too! She loves to be held especially by her Mommy. She thinks Gabrie is funny and usually like to play her. When Daddy comes home she will follow him with eyes where ever he goes and always loves to sing and dance with him to loud music (When Gabrie was little she liked it too). She is a great sleeper (knock on wood). She grabs anything that comes in contact with her hand, like Mommy's hair (: She will take a pacifier but not usually for long and will not take it if it wasn't her idea! When she sneezes she does it at least 4 or 5 times. She loves to have things close to or in her face when she sleeps, she will plant her face right in my arm. She is such a sweetheart. I love to snuggle her and she has the most kissable cheek!

Happy Birthday Gabriella!

Gabriella turned 3 years old!
She had a really fun birthday. We went to the Mayan to see the divers for dinner the night before, then we went to Jumpin Jacks with Luke's side of the family and had cake and ice cream at Grandma Yaya's. Gabrie had so much fun and was actually a really good girl all day!
Here she is with her new scooter and helmet and the movie "Princess and the Frog"

Such focus!She picked out a princess cake even though she keep changing her mind (:

Opening presents with her crown of course!

Gabriella is such a fun and loving girl and we are so glad she is in our family! She loves her sister Olivia so much, she always wants to hug and kiss her and will sing to her when she is sad (the "Don't Cry Song" it goes "Don't Cry, don't cry, It will be fine, don't cry...") She thinks everyone wants to be her friend and will tell them all "Hey it's me, Gabrie!" Everyone is her "people" but she especially loves all her cousins. She loves "frincesses" and most days insists on wearing a "frinderlla dress." She talks a lot about "esterday" and "tomorrow after naps." She adds an "s" to words like think (stink), thought (stought),and thumb (stumb).She has a great memory and talks about when Daddy took her to the temple (temple square) and she was afraid of Jesus (the Christus) and the time she went swimming with her cousins. She reverses words like "store-pet" and "shop-pets" (Littlest Pet Shop). Some other funny things she says are "unrella" (umbrella), oh yeah-huh,She has such a strong spirit and a smart mind. She is very creative and loves playing with play dough and painting. She also loves hide and seek (even though she hides in the same place and tells you where she is), playing at the park and anything active. She is quite a handful at times but she is our little handful and we wouldn't have it any other way! We love you Gabbers!