Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy New Year's!

After the craziness of Christmas we decided last minute to stay home for New Year's Eve. Gabrie was a little dissappointed at first so we decided we needed to have our own party and she decided that meant wearing "fancy dresses." 
Livvy and Gabrie doing their poses.
 Toasting 2013
We called this "Dash and Liam's Rockin New Year's Eve"

Blessing Day

We blessed Liam and Dash the last Sunday in December. Luke did a great job blessing both of them and we had lots of family and friends come participate.

 Cute Brothers
 Liam is telling Dash a funny joke (:

 I love Dash's pout!
 Happy Boys

Gabrie wanted to make sure none of her cousins went in her room without asking her first, so she made this sign all by herself!


A few days before Christmas we went and saw Santa, but Livvy didn't want to talk to him (:
Gabrie and Santa
 Christmas Eve
As usual we spent Christmas Eve with Luke's side of the family. With all the kids gathered round, Grandpa is explaining the meaning of the Christmas Tree.
Opening presents

 Sam, Ashlyn and Parker

 Aunt Darcy and Dashiell
 Kellie and baby Krew just a few days old!
 Mommy and the boys
 Krew, Liam and Dash
 Grandma and Liam?
 Christmas jammies 
Livvy and Dash, Gabrie and Liam

 Gabrie fell asleep with the Santa hat on (:
 Sugar Plums are dancing in her head (:
 Christmas Morning
 Livvy's favorite part was the candy in her stocking.

Liam on his new panda pillow pet with Gabrie's help.
Dash on his frog pillow pet
 Liam started sucking his thumb Christmas Morning it was so cute but he hasn't done it again since.

After opening presents and having breakfast and playing we headed to Grandma and Papa Williams
 First Christmas 
Dash and Liam
Uncle Seth making Dash smile.

Seth and Liam, Gabrie, Dash and Jeni

 Evan, Gabrie and Dash as 
Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus
 Livvy slept through most of Christmas afternoon and evening, she was recovering from being really sick.
 The whole nativity
Liam and Dash took turns being Baby Jesus

Birthday and Talent Show

I wasn't expecting much of a birthday this year with 2 new babies and with Livvy having been sick, but thanks to some wonderful neighbors it was GREAT! I took Livvy to the doctor in the morning and then the boys had an appointment in the afternoon. Then I got a text from a neighbor asking if her and her teenage girls could come watch all of the kids so Luke and I could go out on my birthday! I said yes, of course! Then 2 other neighbors had asked if they could bring us dinner and ended up bringing a cake and ice cream too! I felt very loved and I really appreicate how thoughtful they had all been.

Luke's school did a teacher talent show as a reward for their students for raising money for Sub-4-Santa. Part of the talent show was a teacher flash mob which they had Luke start. It was pretty cool (:
Here he is in costume practing his dance.

 That weekend Grandma and Aunt Jeni watched all of the kids so that we could go Downtown to dinner and to see the Christmas Lights.