Sunday, January 20, 2013

November, Part 1

 The month of November didn't start out great. When the boys went in for their 2 week appointments they had both lost a significant amount of weight. So we had their lingual frenulum (they were "tongue tied") cut to see if that helped with their sucking and the next several days consisted of feeding babies constantly trying to stretch their tummies and get their weight back up. It was stressful and frustrating but with the help of lots of family members we go their weight back on track. I had started out basically just nursing but after they lost all that weight we had to give them formula until I increased my milk supply. However Dash struggled with nursing and after having the bottle Liam stopped getting much from nursing. So after 6 weeks of trying everything to make some kind of combination of nursing and bottles work we went to just bottles and life became much less stressful.

Here they are so small! Dash and Liam


After bath time
Dash and Liam
 Meeting Uncle Corbin and Aunt Stef
 Dash- Picture Perfect
 Gabrie loves her baby brothers and runs home from school each day so she hold one and watch "Wild Kratz" (her favorite show)
 Enjoying all the snow! Livvy running in while Gabrie gets a snowball ready (:
 Wide Eyed Dash
 The snow slide Gabrie and Daddy built.

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