Olivia turned 18 months old and the best thing about that is she gets to go to NURSERY! Here she is, showing her many faces, before her first day. She walked right in, started playing, and never looked back.
E-I-E-I-O- usually when she sees Luke or his computer because he will play the video for her
mok- milk
uh too- I want one too! usually when someone has something she wants
ababab tet-tup- I want ketchup! -after Gabrie says "I want ketchup"
wove,wove- love,love (after family prayer when we give "loves"- hugs and kiss)
sheh-sheh= shoes, which she loves!
ganpa or papa= Grandpa
-She loves to sing and listen to music especially Old Mac Donald had a Farm, Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star, Ten Little Indians, and Itsy Bitsy Spider.
-She loves to play with her sister and wants to do what she is doing.
-She loves to be outside and go for walks in the stroller or wagon.
-She is still very attached to her fuzzy purple blanket and pacifer
-She is stubborn and silly and gives great kisses.
She is so cute! I love that she says I want ketchup, so funny!
What cute little expressions, I especially love the 3rd one. :-) We'll have to get her and Mamie together for some serious singing time.
Oh she's so cute! I love her dress! I wish that my daughter would go right in and play. We're still having issues and she's 2. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ha ha ha!
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