Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pretty in Pink

Frilly and pink skirts, what could be better!

I love Gabrie's face!


Allison said...

Such cute pictures Kellie...I love Livvy in pigtails!

Miriam said...

I showed Mamie the pics and she smiled, giggled, and said "hi!"

adespain said...

They are both adorable, love their skirts...just might have to get Liesel one.

Christensen's said...


Brooke said...

Hi Kelly-

It's Brooke Buchanan. Your kiddos are so darling. Love your blog posts. I need to be better at commenting :-)

Hey, random question-did you get the Advancement Award in grad school? If you did will you email me? I have been talking alot with USOE and there obvisously has been some mis understanding with my file. I just wondered if you had a copy of the contract you signed. I can't seem to find mine....and they can't either. Long story, I'll tell you later....but if you could email that would be great.
