Sunday, January 15, 2012

Livvy Turned Two!

Our cute little Livvy turned 2!

Some fun things about Livvy are:
She loves her "sisa" and wants/has to do everything Gabrie does, she cries when Gabrie goes to school or dance without her.
She loves to watch "Diego" and say "Go Diego Go!" or "Go Mommy Go!"
She loves Care Bears (not quite as much as Gabrie) but calls them "powa on" because they say "Care Power On!" and she always talks about "su-sine" (Funshine Bear)
She loves Elmo (who doesn't?)
Her favorite food is still soup especially canned soup, she will pull cans out of the cupboard and bring them to me.
She is still extremely attached to her "pass" pacifer and "nee-nee" or "nay" blanket.
She's also very picky about the way you tuck her in at night. If you don't put her three blankets on in the correct order with the correct sides facing up and down, she will let you know.

Some not as fun things:
She climbs out of her crib, opens her bedroom door, and comes into Mommy's room every morning (:
She is a pretty picky eater especially for breakfast.

Cute things she says:
-"it weady!!" means "It's ready!" she likes to yell it up the stairs to tell Luke and Gabrie dinner is ready even sometimes when it's not.
-"wook sisa!" or "where's sisa" means "look sister!" and "where's sister" she doesn't say Gabrie very much and when she does is sounds a lot like Daddy but it is so cute when she calls her "sisa"
-"wook wights!" means "look lights!" she said this a lot at Christmas time, as we drove she'd look out the window and yell "wook wights!"
-"uh-too" means "I want one too"
-"dat one" means 'that one" she uses the words one and two a lot.
She doesn't say her l,s,z,r,g,k,th correctly, luckily her mommy can translate(:

In the morning, about to open some presents

Opening her first one...

Clothes! She was really excited to give them to Daddy
and then didn't care about them anymore (:

Next one...
A bike! or "My Bike!" as she calls it. She was much more interesed in this present.

Later that night we had a little party for her.
Livvy and Grandma

Elmo Cupcakes!

Some of the ones Gabrie helped with and made her own creations. One is a cowgirl and one is a pirate (: She was a great helper and very creative!
Gabrie gave Livvy a huge marshmallow pop shaped like a cupcake, Livvy loved it. I didn't think she would blow out the candles and I was about to help when she surprised us and blew them both out herself!

Eating her cupcake and ice cream

Enjoying her party

She is quite the little girl and life would not be as fun without her!
We love our Livvy Jane!

Having Fun

We sure enjoy our cute girls and all the fun things they do.

Gabrie's friend Abby was over playing and they decided to "design" dresses. Here is what they came up with and of course Livvy needed one too!

Gabrie and Livvy having a tea party after church one sunday.
Livvy loved her crown from nursery so much she climbed out of her crib that night, got it off her dresser, and brought it back in her crib. I found it in there the next morning!

The other morning Livvy wandered downstairs and when I came to find her she had the earmuffs and one glove on and was trying to get the other glove on! I helped her with it and then she wanted the headband on, as well! She is so funny!

New Years

We rang in 2012 at Grandma and Grandpa Williams house. We played lots of fun games and ate lots of yummy food! 2011 was a good year but very busy,
here's hoping 2012 is a little calmer (:

Playing "Just Dance"
Now everyone was into it!

Mamie having fun, love that face!
Evan and the girls watching a show.
Not the best family picture for 2011 but, Happy New Year!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011

We had another great Christmas this year. It was busy and crazy and Luke had to work all the way until the 23rd! We took lots of fun pictures and I have posted most of them (:
Christmas with the Talley's
Grandma Yaya had gotten those fun pills you put in water and they expand into animal shapes, Livvy and Parker waited very patiently to see what theirs would turn into.

They had a lot of fun playing together, even though they don't look like it in this picture (:

At home writing letters to Santa.
I helped Gabrie write one and then Livvy wanted to do one too.

Gabrie picked some treats to leave for Santa and wrote a cute note.
Christmas Morning- I got some really good pictures that show just how happy and excited the girls were. We walked down the stairs and Gabrie saw that there was a Care Bear in each of their stockings and she just covered her mouth, giggling, and sat down on the stairs! It was so cute, she was so excited about it she didn't quite know what to do!

Livvy loved her presents and had no problem opening them but her favorite part was the candy!

I don't know what was wrong but she is still so cute!
The girls got lots of fun presents, like ear muffs and boots
A toy car with people
A play kitchen
With aprons, chef hats, dishes, and food! Along with lots of other fun things (:
Dressed in their Sunday best
This is the best picture I could get, Livvy didn't want to cooperate.
I did get one of her smiling though.
But this is what she really wanted, her pass and nee (pacifier and blanket)
After church at Grandma Williams
The Nativity
Mary and Joseph

The Angel
The Shepherds
The Star
The Wise Men
Gingerbread houses

Grandpa is a good sport!

Christmas was extra special this year because Miriam, Wade, and Mamie came to visit!


Oh and on a totally unrelated note... I turned 30! Can't believe it, I am not in my 20's! Actually I handled it quite well, no major breakdowns (: Luke took the day off work (which was the best present I could ask for, he never takes a day off!) and we had donuts for breakfast then went to an indoor fun center with the girls. Then came home, had naps, and then Connie watched the girls while Luke came with me to get a manicure and pedicure and then to dinner. It was a great day!