Livvy- She is talking a lot more, some of which we can understand but most we can't. She yells "TOW" instead of cow everytime we drive past horses, cows or big open fields. She still loves her "nay" (blankets) but now has 3 that have to be placed just right and in the correct order before she sleeps. Her new thing is climbing out of her crib and laying in front on the door, not my favorite! She is quite the copy cat and has do whatever anyone else is doing especially Gabrie. She love to go through my jewelry box to see what she can find and will stand in front of it and say "yip!" "yip!" meaning she wants my chapstick I keep on the top so she can't reach it. She loves to sing and trys to count. My favorite things she says are "tank too" for thank you, "tay" for okay, and "sawy" for sorry. Her favorite food is soup, canned soup! It is so funny, it has been her favorite for about a year, sometimes she'll even ask for it for breakfast!
Gabrie- Still loves to draw, design and decorate. She has new love for the Care Bears talks about them all the time, as well as, princess and superheroes (which she wants to be when she grows up). She has a great memory, and likes to learn about science. When I don't know the answer to a question she has asked she then asked "Well who know a lot about____?" I usually say Daddy or Grandpa. She still loves her cousins and friends and wants to be playing with someone all the time. She is learning her letters and sounds and trying to learn to read. She also likes to try to speak different languages, Sign Language, Spanish, Chinese and French! She is great helper and a wonderful big sister!