Sunday, May 29, 2011

May Pictures

Gabrie's preschool did a Mother's Day Tea Party and a little reader's theater. Her line was "Does a penguin have a mother?" and the whole class replies "yes, just like me and you!" (I think). It was very cute! Grandma came to watch (:

Grandma and Gabriella, I love this picture! I think I may frame it!
Grandma and Olivia
On Mother's Day Gabrie sang 2 cute songs in Sacrament Meeting with the rest of the Primary which made me cry, of course! And Livvy gave me the present of having her (poopy) diaper leak all over my dress just as I was about to go up to say the closing prayer! Then with the help of their Daddy they gave me a cute card and some fun papers from Primary. My gifts from Luke included two trees for the back yard! (labor included)

The girls are very lucky to get to spend some time each week with Grandma and Papa W. Here are some cute pictures with Papa! I love how he is really smiling in this picture. Most pictures of him don't show the real thing!

Livvy with her cute pigtails, playing on the stairs with Papa and Gabrie.
More cute pictures

I can't believe how big my girls are getting!

Gabriella's Busy Day

Last Saturday we had a very busy day! First we had Gabrie's dance recital rehersal, where she got to wear a little make-up and get her hair done pretty. Here is most of her class waiting for their turn, so cute!

In position to start the dance. They danced to a song called "I see a Princess." They were all in heaven in their tiaras and flowery pink tutus!
The dance

I love how Gabrie is obviously missing the move but still smiling big and having fun!

Then we went straight to her preschool program! Here she is with one of her friends Hailee and Miss Mandy her teacher.
In between activities a neighbor stopped by and Gabrie told her "I'm having a busy day!"

The Recital! Here is Gabrie with two of her favorite dance friends, whom she had to sit between, Staley and Abby.
I couldn't get any good pictures during her dance but she did a great job and loved every minute of it! She sang the song the whole time she danced and when she couldn't get into the circle (they were all supposed to hold hands and go around in a circle) she just smiled and did her own dance! I cried a little because it was so funny and I can't believe she is so big! Here she is afterwards with the rose we got for her. She thought it was so wonderful!
My little Ballerina
What made it even more exciting was that both Grandmas and Papas came just for her!

After the recital we went to get ice cream with the grandparents which Gabrie and Livvy thought was exciting. Over all I think it was Gabrie's idea of a perfect day, which made me happy too! She slept with her hair still up and her tiara on, she wanted to sleep with her rose but we convinced her that it would be better in a vase by her bed. And it is still there today one week later! She truly is a little princess and we love her for it!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gabrie's Birthday: Part 2

Gabriella turned 4!

4 months
4 years

She is getting to be such a big girl! Right now she loves:

-anything Barbie or princess
-playing video games- Little Big Planet with Daddy, Barbie games on the computer, or anything on the I-touch
-going to preschool
-going to dance
-playing with Livvy
-coloring, painting, cutting, glueing- anything crafty
-"designing" and "decorating" (She is her mother's daughter and I promised I haven't pushed it on her!)
-playing with her friends
and of course talking, asking questions, talking, talking!

Funny things she says:
-the north cold (north pole)
-kantark (guitar)
-rushmellows (marshmallows)
-tree (three)
I know there is more...I will add them when I remember.

Gabrie requested a "Barbie: Fashion Fairytale" birthday so I did my best to create one! "Fashion Fairytale" is one of her favorites movies. She had seen a Barbie cake at a friend's party and wanted one like it. I kinda adapted a receipe I found for one and it actually turned out alright! Gabrie loved it and that is what's most important.
She also requested that every character and accessory be on the cake but since that wasn't really doable I made cupcakes with the "Flairies" on them instead - that satisfied her.
We invited a few friends to come for her party, and they had a great time! They danced to "Get Your Sparkle On" the theme song from the movie ( :

Made picture frames, colored pictures, dress-up and played outsideBlowing out 4 candles!

Gabriella has been such a blessing in our life! She is full of energy and fun! She wants to be friends with everyone and tries really hard to do what is right. She is a great big sister and a wonderful helper. We love her so much!

Easter: Part 2 and Gabrie's Birthday: Part 1

The day before Easter we went to our city's Egg Hunt and Gabrie got quite a few eggs and won a prize! They blew the whistle to start and 3 minutes later it was done! Luke and Livvy actually missed it because they were parking the car.

Then we went home and dyed eggs.

Easter morning and Gabrie's 4th Birthday!

Livvy found a few eggs but then she found Gabrie's easter basket and the candy inside! So from this point forward she has candy in her mouth or hand in just about every picture, or she is crying because she doesn't have candy in her mouth or hand!
After the girls found their eggs and baskets, Gabrie got to open her presents, which she had to do while wearing her sunglasses, "stylish" (as she would say except it is typically used when she falls on accident she says "That's called stylish")!
She got a combination of Zhu-Zhu and Fur Real pets and track. She was very excited about everything. Livvy was scared of the "pets" at first but now she loves them too!
After church we went to Grandma and Grandpa Yaya's house for dinner, an egg hunt and more birthday fun!
Parker, Ashlyn and Gabrie waiting to begin!
Livvy wondering what all the fuss was about because she didn't see any candy.
Luke had to help her get started. Then I tried to help her keep going but when one of the eggs she picked up opened and candy spilled out, she was done and just wanted to eat the candy!
Gabrie and Livvy in their Easter skirts I made for them! I don't sew very often but these weren't too hard and luckily I had Jeni here to guide me through it.

Stef, Corbin, Sam, and Ashlyn
Dianne, Parker, and David
Birthday cupcakes

I think Gabrie had a great birthday and didn't mind one bit that it was the same day as Easter! At church her primary teachers told me "She isn't allowed to have anymore sugar!" but I told them she had only had 1 piece of candy, she was just so excited all day! So she was ready when bedtime came but insisted she sleep with her new Rapunzel doll from Grandma and Papa Williams.