Last month Olivia turned 1! She had a fun party with lots of family! Unfortunately she didn't feel very good, later we found out she had infections in both ears and both eyes, poor thing! Aunt Jeni, Miriam, Elizabeth and Mamie came to visit that week too, so we had lots of fun.
Gabrie helped blow out the candle
Everyone waiting for cake!
Grandpa gave Livvy a cupcake (before she ate her actual cake) which she thoroughly enjoyed!
Daddy and the Birthday Girl
Birthday Girl and Mommy
The beautiful cake made by Aunt Jeni, we were so glad she came and helped us!
At first she wasn't to interested in her cake - probably because she was sick and Grandpa had already given her a cupcake!
But Aunt Dianne gave her a taste and then she dug in! But unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of that!
Gabrie and Evan enjoying their cake and ice cream. Gabrie went up stairs and changed into her swimsuit once everyone started showing up for the party, I'm not sure why?
She started walking about two weeks after she turned one and now waddles all over the place. Her favorite toys are by far anything electronic, preferrably remote controls, game controllers, and cell phones. If she sees you holding one she will try to take it from you - with surprising force. She still loves her soft and silky purple blanket that she has loved since she was maybe 2 months old! She thinks she is really funny and will do things just to get a laugh and she always laughs at herself. She is very focused and stubborn if there is something she wants. She loves putting things in containers only to take them out again. She loves my chapstick and walks all over the house with it until she loses it in a place that only she can find later! She waves bye-bye or night-night, says Dada (she used to say Mama but not anymore), uh-oh, and thank you (in her own way that sounds more like "dat do"). She is so sweet and we love her so much! I can't believe how fast a year has gone by and how big she is! I think back to her in her pink helmet and then as a tiny newborn and don't know where the time has gone!Happy Birthday Livvy!