Sunday, November 15, 2009


We woke up yesterday morning to snow! Gabrie was so excited and had to go play in it before she did anything else. Luckily, she let me put shoes and socks on her, and she wanted to wear the hat and gloves. But she refused a coat or changing out of her pajamas! With her you really have to pick your battles, so this was her having a great morning.

This one is a little fuzzy but you can still see her joy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We started out the month by going to a pumpkin patch and picking out some pumpkins. Gabriella's wasn't as excited about pumpkins as she was last year but it was still fun.

Then Miriam and Mamie came to visit. Here we are at Witch's Night Out, Miriam, Me, witch, Connie and Jen.

Gabriella loved to hold "Baby NayNay"!
This was at our ward's trunk or treat, it was a lot of fun. Luke and I are aliens and Gabrie is Minnie Mouse.
Luke and Gabrie with their pumpkins.

The night of Halloween some of Luke's family came to trick or treat with us. Here is Mickey, Parker and Minnie.

Ashlyn, Sammy, Gabrie, and Parker, so cute.
Corbin, being Stefanie, Stefanie, being Corbin, Hippie Kiley, Robin Hood Dianne, Eskimo Kellie (it is hard to dress up when you are pregnant!) and Alien Luke. Picture by Grandma and Grandpa Talley( : It was a lot of fun having every at our house.

Happy Belated Halloween!